Here is an introduction text above publications. To be revised …
Use what you have to get what you need: The appropriateness of TIMSS to appraise and inform policy

Education is a key priority in the country, and outcome one in the presidential delivery agreements. It is therefore important to use reliable data to appraise the well-being of the system to date. Shawn Rogers and Lolita Winnaar explore how the TIMSS design and framework generate data that provides invaluable information on the nature and extent o ...
Published in: 2013
Authors: Shawn Rogers / Lolita Winnaar
Keywords: Measuring improvement / Measuring outcomes / Measuring quality / Policy
TIMSS 2019 Highlights of Western Cape Province Grade 9 Results in Mathematics and Science

Building Achievement and Bridging Achievement Gaps
The Western Cape TIMSS 2019 school sample was selected from the 2018 Department of Basic Education (DBE) List of Schools that offered Grade 9 classes. Statistics Canada selected the South African sample and Western Cape provincial sample of 150 schools based on school type (public, independent) as explicit stratification variables and school povert ...
Published in: 2020
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Andrea Juan / Lolita Winnaar / Fabian Arends / Jaqueline Harvey / Sylvia Hannan / Ncamisile Zulu
Keywords: Mathematics Grade 9 / Science Grade 9 / TIMSS 2019
TIMSS 2019 Highlights of South African Grade 9 Results in Mathematics and Science

Achievement and Achievement Gaps
TIMSS is an assessment of the mathematics and science knowledge of fourth and eighth Grade
learners around the world. A few countries, including South Africa, assess fifth and ninth Grade
learners. The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (using
IEA constructed scales designed for the group of inte ...
Published in: 2020
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Lolita Winnaar / Andrea Juan / Fabian Arends / Jaqueline Harvey / Sylvia Hannan / Catherine Namome / Palesa Sekhejane / Ncamisile Zulu
Keywords: Education / Education in South Africa / TIMSS 2019 / Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
TIMSS 2019 Highlights of South African Grade 5 Results in Mathematics and Science

Achievement and Achievement Gaps
TIMSS Assessment framework
The curriculum used by TIMSS is broadly defined as the major organising concept in considering how
educational opportunities are provided to learners and the factors associated with how learners use
these opportunities. The TIMSS Curriculum Model has three aspects: the intended curriculum, the
implemented curriculum, ...
Published in: 2020
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Lolita Winnaar / Andrea Juan / Fabian Arends / Jaqueline Harvey / Sylvia Hannan / Catherine Namome / Ncamisile Zulu
Keywords: Education in South Africa / Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
TIMSS 2019 Highlights of Gauteng Province Grade 9 Results in Mathematics and Science

Building Achievement and Bridging Achievement
Statistics Canada selected the South African sample and Gauteng provincial sample of 150 schools from the 2018 Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) List of schools that offered Grade 9 classes (648 Public and 348 Independent schools). Public schools accommodate 88% of the province’s learners, and independent schools 12%. The sampling was based ...
Published in: 2020
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Fabian Arends / Lolita Winnaar / Andrea Juan / Catherine Namome / Palesa Sekhejane / Sylvia Hannan / Jaqueline Harvey
Keywords: Education / Mathematics Achievement in South Africa / Science Achievement in South Africa / TIMSS in South Africa
TIMSS 2015 Highlights of Mathematics and Science Achievement of Grade 9 South African Learners

Nurturing green shoots
Thirty-six countries participated in TIMSS 2015 at the
Grade 8 level and three countries at the Grade 9 level
(Norway, Botswana and South Africa). We will describe
the achievement scores using three measures, namely (i)
average mathematics and science scale scores in TIMSS
2015 for participating countries; (ii) change in mathematics
and scien ...
Published in: 2016
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Mariette Visser / Lolita Winnaar / Fabian Arends / Andrea Juan / Cas Prinsloo / Kathryn Isdale
Keywords: Mathematics Achievement in South Africa / Mathematics and Science / Mathematics Grade 9 / Science Grade 9 / Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
TIMSS 2015 Highlights of Mathematics Achievement amongst Grade 5 South African Learners

Nurturing green shoots
South Africa is one of the lower performing countries in
mathematics in comparison to other participating countries.
There are improvements that need to be made and valuable
lessons to be learned. Building on what we have learnt
from the Grade 9 TIMSS with respect to improvements over
time, this first round of TIMSS at the Grade 5 level is an
Published in: 2016
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Kathryn Isdale / Andrea Juan / Mariette Visser / Lolita Winnaar / Fabian Arends
Keywords: Mathematics Grade 5 / South African school system / TIMSS 2015 / TIMSS in South Africa
TIMSS 2015 Grade 9 National Report

Understanding mathematics and science achievement amongst Grade 9 learners in South Africa
The 2015 TIMSS Grade 9 study was administered in August 2015 by a team of researchers at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
Published in: 2018
Keywords: Department of Basic Education (DBE) / Education in South Africa / mathematics achievement / science achievement / TIMSS 2015
The Western Cape Province TIMSS 2019 Grade 9 Results

Building Achievement and Bridging Achievement Gaps
In August 2019, the Human Sciences Research Council collected achievement and contextual data in
149 secondary schools from 149 principals, 170 mathematics educators, 162 science educators, and 5 351
Grade 9 learners in the Western Cape. The analysis of data was informed by a framework focused on how to
build achievement and bridge achievement g ...
Published in: 2022
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Andrea Juan / Jaqueline Harvey / Lolita Winnaar / Sylvia Hannan / Kathryn Isdale / Fabian Arends
Keywords: Factors related to achievement / TIMSS 2019 / Western Cape Grade 9 Results
The South African TIMSS 2019 Grade 9 Results

Building Achievement and Bridging Achievement Gaps
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assesses mathematics and science knowledge of fourth and eighth grade learners around the world. South Africa has participated in six of the seven TIMSS cycles (1995–2019), at the eighth or ninth grade, providing a rich dataset spanning 24 years. Participation in TIMSS allows count ...
Published in: 2022
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Lolita Winnaar / Fabian Arends / Andrea Juan / Jaqueline Harvey / Sylvia Hannan / Kathryn Isdale
Keywords: Department of Basic Education (DBE) / Factors related to achievement / Grade 9 learners / Mathematics Achievement in South Africa / Science Achievement in South Africa / South African schools / TIMSS 2019