TIMSS in South Africa: Making global research locally meaningful

Chapter in "Society, research and power: a history of the Human Sciences Research Council"
This chapter outlines the history and motivations for participation in TIMSS. In the first
section of the chapter, we outline the history of South Africa’s participation in TIMSS and
the relationship among the key actors, as well as changing perceptions towards the study
over time. Secondly, we provide a nuanced description of South African ma ...
Published in: 2021
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Sylvia Hannan
Keywords: 25 years of TIMSS / History of TIMSS / TIMSS in South Africa
Reproducing Inequality in the South African Schooling System: What are the Opportunities?

Chapter in "Social Justice and Education in the 21st Century: Research from South Africa and the United States"
The South African Ministry of Education has made signifcant progress in reducing inequality between schools; however, such inequality persists. Students from
wealthier households that are able to meet their fnancial obligations attend wellresourced schools that are characterised by high-quality education. This chapter
critically examines issues o ...
Published in: 2021
Keywords: Inequality in South African education / South African schooling system
Education and Labour Market Inequalities in South Africa

Chapter in "Social Justice and Education in the 21st Century: Research from South Africa and the United States"
Framed within notions of social justice, inequality of opportunity and Bourdieu’s
forms of capital, this chapter examines the gaps in educational and labour market
outcomes in South Africa and how they have changed over time. With social
policies aimed at redressing inequalities introduced from 1994, we track the
changes in school mathematics ...
Published in: 2021
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Bongiwe Mncwango
Keywords: Education / Labour market inequalities / South African labour market
Reducing bullying in schools by focusing on school climate and school socio-economic status

This paper is a secondary analysis, using data from the South African 2015 cycle of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). TIMSS is a trend study that assesses Mathematics and Science achievement and is designed to measure changes in the education system over time. The participants of the study included 12,514 learners f ...
Published in: 2018
Keywords: Bullying / School climate / School violence / TIMSS in South Africa
Beyond Benchmarks

What twenty years of TIMSS data tell us about South African education
South Africa has participated in a number of local and international achievement studies in the field of education over the last 20 years and responses to the results have been somewhat mixed. Critics argue that participation in international assessments is a pointless exercise because of the slow pace of improvement in South African education. Sup ...
Published in: 2015
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Tia Linda Zuze / Mariette Visser / Andrea Juan / Cas Prinsloo / Fabian Arends / Shawn Rogers
Keywords: Education and skills development
Quality school mathematics: an elusive aspiration?

Chapter in "State of the Nation 2014: South Africa 1994-2014: a twenty-year review"
This chapter reviews the educational investments, policies and programmes introduced since 1994 and, using the outcome measure of mathematics achievement, evaluates the distance we have travelled in the quest for quality educational outcomes and a better life for all.
Published in: 2014
Authors: Vijay Reddy / Andrea Juan
Keywords: Assessment standards / Education / Mathematics Education
Contexts of learning mathematics and Science: Lessons learned from TIMSS

Published in: 2006
Authors: Sarah Howie / Tjeerd Plomp
Keywords: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study